Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty
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The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty dates back to 1890.

There are twelve Lodges in the Province stretching from Stornoway on the Island of Lewis in the West to Cromarty on the tip of the Black Isle in the East. Detailed information about each Lodge can be found in the “Lodges in the Province” page.

While it may be a small and northerly Province, it is one of the most dynamic in Scotland and maintains strong links between many Provinces in England, Wales and Ireland as well as equally strong links with the District Grand Lodges of Ghana, Trinidad and Tobago, Gibraltar, and the Middle East.

Here is a handy guide to the Lodges in the Province meeting places, dates and times:-

NOTE : In January some Lodges will not hold a meeting in the first week, moving the Meeting to the SECOND WEEK instead. You should check with individual Lodges before travelling at this time of year. Also note INSTALLATION MEETINGS are sometimes held at differing times to those displayed below. These times can be checked in the CALENDAR


Full meeting details are published in The Grand Lodge of Scotland Year Book

*Regular meeting times are shown, however Installation Meeting times will differ and visitors should verify that the times of Regular are current with the relevant Lodge Secretary before setting out. This is especially important in January when some Lodges will hold meetings on a different date to avoid NEW YEARS DAY!


Lodge St Duthus No 82 MH, Queen St., Tain 1st Mon* - Oct-April - 7.45pm (check in Jan)
Lodge Fortrose No 108 MH, 55-57 Kenneth St, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis 1st & 3rd Fri* every month - 8pm (check in Jan)
Robertson’s Lodge No 134 MH, 12 Duke St., Cromarty 3rd Wed - Sept - April - 7.45pm
Lodge Fingal No 318 MH, Bridaig, High St., Dingwall 2nd Tues - Oct - April - 7.30pm
Lodge Seaforth No 854 MH, Station Square, Fortrose 3rd Mon - Sept - April - 7.30pm
Lodge Averon No 866 MH, Dalmore Rd., Alness 2nd & 4th Thur - Oct - March - 7.45pm
Lodge Ness No 888 MH, Outram St., Invergordon 2nd & 4th Tues - Oct - March - 8pm
Lodge Kyle No 1117 MH, Plockton Road, Kyle of Lochalsh 1st Mon - Sept-May - 7.30pm (Jan 2nd Mon)
Lodge Rosehaugh No 1216 MH, George St., Avoch 1st Fri* - Oct-May ex Jan (2nd Fri) - 7.45pm
Lodge St Martin No 1217 MH, 21 Argyll St., Ullapool 3rd Tues - Oct - May - 8pm
Lodge Loch Ewe No 1551 MH, Aultbea 2nd Thurs - Sept, Oct, Nov, Mar Apr, May - 8pm
Lodge Allan Wilson No 851 MH, Station Square, Fortrose 2nd Tues - Jun, Jul, Aug - 11.30 am
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